Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Indonesia Alternative Tourism Object

Indonesia with its thousands of beautiful and amazing island is potentially becoming the greatest country which is visited by people around the world. The last two decades Bali was adressed as the most popular places to visit because of it's wonderful scenery and unforgetable local traditions which are very unique, repreasant the whole Indonesian tradition as well. Not many people in the world know that Indonesia has many others nice and fabulous place to enjoy. One of it is Lombok Island that has already been known as brother of Bali because of its similarity to Bali's features and local traditions. The difference between two islands is only about the religion of mostly people who live in those islands. Lombok is located at east of Bali, it takes approximately 4 hours by ferry and only 20 minutes by light aeroplane from Bali. There are so many tourism object that we can find Lombok. The following point will explain a little about Lombok tourism object which will be taking position as the second popular island in Indonesia.
  1. Senggigi beach. This beach has been widely known by especially local tourist in the last 10 years as there were many people think that Bali was not natural anymore. The beach has some beach sport facilities such as canoes, banana boat, surfing and many others. The beach is located 10 kilometres north of Mataram, West Nusa Tenggara province's capitol. The beach is also provided by many class of hotels, various restaurant as well as live music concert.
  2. Narmada park. The park is located at east of Mataram, capitol of West Nusa Tenggara Province. it is about 10 kilometres away and takes only 20 minutes by car from Mataram. It was built in 1800s by the king of karangasem when that kingdom took control over west lombok after conducting a long term war. The park was well constructed as it was built in downwarding model. On the top of the park there is a special building that was used for resting by the King's relatives. At the lowet level, there are three different beautiful pool that has its own function. The biggest pool represent segara anak lake which its actually position is on the top of Rinjani Mountain. The park preserve many shops that sell in local traditional cuisine as well, "Sate bulayak" and "dodol nangka" are the most famous lombok food that sell at Narmada park.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Smoking in public area

Smoking is an old habit, it has been done by many people since hundreds years ago. We don't know when exactly it started and who created it. We just know that it become the most popular habit in the world now and it spreaded to every parts of our world. It is very difficult to control the expanding of this activity. Many problems pop up recently due to the disadvantages of smoking.

Some people said that smoking could increase their concentration while thinking about something. The inspiration could come easily to their brain and made them feel quiet. Furthermore, smoking tighten their relationship between smokers. There was a statement that chatting and talking without smoking same as food without salt. Sometime they prefer smoking to eating because the substance of cigarettes like nicotine has been addicted them. Besides that, other people who don't smoke said there was not worth smoking cigarettes, it could make us suffered by many diseases like lung cancer, heart attack, high blood pressure and others dangerous disease. Not only active smokers suffered by those diseases but also other people who didn't smoke called passive smokers. sometime non smoker who worked with smoker influenced greater than smoker. Nowdays smoking become the first factor cause people die in the world and it increase the amount of mortality especially in indonesia. Because of that, now many people through non government organizations demanding government to regulate this popular habit.

Some distrcts government for example Jakarta Special Distrct administration has been applied some regulation for smoker community. The smokers have been banned to smoking at some public places like mall, supermarket, public park, station, airport and etc. At those places, the government served the smoker with special places for them to smoke there. The places look like a small building covered by glasses wall and equipped by some chairs. People who wanted to smoke must use this place and kept the place clean from cigarette's butts. The problems now are the number of special places for smoke don't enough for all smokers and not available at every non smoking area. The administrations who in cahrge to control this regulation sometime aren't stick to monitor. It make many smokers now still smoke at public places eventhough there is a big sign not to smoke there.

Government must concern to this problems, Regulations must be applied hardly to the people. Besides serve more special places for smokers, the people who don't follow the regulations must be punished by hard sentence. But the most important thing that The Government must to do is closing the cigarette's fabric even they are the best money producer for the government. We don't care about the tax fee from cigarettes. Many others sector can give us greater than them like agriculture industry and textil industry. finally, we just waiting and encourage the government to run their programme to regulate this problem.

to be continued....

Wednesday, October 1, 2008


Hai SBI bloggers... welcome to my blog...I appreciate if all of you write on this blog about anything. I'm glad to discuss with everyone in this blog...the picture beside is belong to me and my family. I'm married with two I live in Supadio Air Force Base Pontianak, West kalimantan.OK ...see U later.....

Lebaran Day

Lebaran day is a special day for moslem people. After do fasting for a month, avoid eating, drinking, smoking and soon at noon they celebrate their succeed of defeating the devil. On Lebaran Day all moslems are back to zero. it mean God have forgiven us of all of their mistakes for the last one year.commonly, on Lebaran day they come back to their home town visiting their parents (if they still alive ) and their relatives. In Indonesia we called it "mudik" or going back to home town. one week before lebaran day, they start their travel to their home town. They use all public transportation available, trains ,buses, ships and aeroplanes although the condition of public transportations at that time are very crowded and ticket's prices are very expensive. they save their money for 1 year somtime in order to use it for buy the tickets when they celebrate Lebaran Day.

On Lebaran day, they usually meet at the oldest brother or sister. All the younger will come to the older and request for forgivness. They shake their hand and the younger kiss the hand of the older while saying some words ask for forgivness. Same as me, I and my family visited my parents in Lombok island which has beautiful scenery and full of traditional arts. My parents live in Mataram city which is Capitol of West Nusa Tenggara and they have been there since 1976. Almost All of my brothers and sisters met at my parents house except one of my sister because she followed her husband to Bandung to visit her parents in law. We woke up early, take a shower in turn, because my parents only have one bath room. We put on clean moslem dresses and clothes and prepared to do idul fitri pray. excatly at 07.00 the pray started in very quite situation, all participants followed the ritual seriously. After prayed, we make a line and forgive each other by shaking our hands. To complete our ritual, started from Lebaran day until 1 month later, we visit our relatives or friends house to keep our relationship between each other.

Lebaran day in Indonesia is almost same every where. We have same cultures and traditions. There are only a little bit differences between each part of Indonesia. As young generations , we must keep this traditions as our custom to make we different from other countries in the world.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

TNI Summit Joint Exercise

This film was taken from inside of Hawk 200 which flown by Capt Romas during TNI summit joint exercise which has held in Singkawang area, West Kalimantan. Joint exercise between three services is aim to apply doctrins, methods and techniques that we have decided before. Every service shows their best performance and ability to support each other during any operations. The joint exercise has been devided into several parts of operation. It started with infiltration of some groups of special forces. Some of them were dropped by aircraft called forward control linud operations and other groups deployed by boat via ocean. By the time they reached enemy teritory, they put off their attribute, used everything to camuflage theirselves and act as non military personnel. The infiltrans main duties were to spy or take many informations of enemy forces and looked for the strength, the weakness and the most possible tactics to defeat the enemies. This part of exercise was happen in Batam, they attempted to take control Hang Nadim air force base as a scenario that had been created it had occupied by enemy forces. Just after the special forces took control to the base, they gave information to the chief of operation command that he could give order to troops batalion to attacked the enemy. The troops batalion then dropped at hang Nadim Base by C-130 and try to control the area around the base. The herky flight was escorted by Hawk 109/209 from Pekanbaru as air cover. At the same time in ranai, ten hercules aircrafts dropped other linud troops to grab Ranai Air Base that had been occupied by enemy forces. This Operation previously started with direct air strike from three Hawk 209 from pontianak Air force base. As soon as the target destroyed and dropping zone was clear enough, the linud troops dropped and started to fight the rest enemy present. Joint exercise then simulated the enemy forces could reach north Kalimantan Via Singkawang and built their forces there. Furthermore, the enemy forces used Singkawang as their forward base for other attack. Our chief of command didn't keep quiet as he knew this information and decided to give surprised attack to the enemy who occupied Singkawang. 1st Squadron had been choosen as a striker,then a perfect tactic had been planned. when the sun still lazy to show its smile, and the weather very cloudy, two Hawks 209 suddenly broke the quite, woken up the sleepy enemies and destoyed the enemy properties. The attacked was success full and our forces could take control to this area.

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Beautiful girl

How do you think of this picture ? Is she beautiful ? I want to ask you about this because everyone must have different opinion about beautiful. Sometime people say that beautiful is not only phsically good looking, white skin, soft talking, wise and etc but also inner beauty. Until now I don't really sure about inner beauty, I think it depend on from which side we look.....I believe that human being, man or women has been created by God with their strongth and weakness. " No body is perfect" people often say. we must relize about this statement. So from you who looking forward to find a couple or spouse has to consider with this fact. Don't only find the beautiful one, but also find some one who match with your common habit, your hobbies, your religion and etc. Back to our topic about beautiful....I want all of you give some comments about this, may be our discuss will helpfull for someone ok? I'll wait for all of your comments...thanks.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Our connection to Technology

Technology is the way to life more comfortable and easier. Started from 18th Century, Human being have been invented something to make their quality of life increase significantly. They never bored to modify their invention...why ...? it because of invention especially in technology have a great deal of benefit and could make someone become rich and wealth. Nowdays the telecomunication and communication have been become the greatest invention of the twentieth century. Every month we can see many types of Handphones and Laptops launched by their vendor even they only modify a little bit different from the older type. They add only a little equipment at the new model. For example, the old one only has camera 3 megapixel, and on the newest model they put 5 megapixel camera. By launched an interesting advertisment, they could influence many peoples to buy their products. As a human being who never satisfy with something, it's verry common to be influenced by an advetisment, especially women. If we follow this situation, we already come into a condition that called Technocrazy at which we cannot life without any modification of our belonging. The advanced of internet technology also expand our knowledge and we always curious to find something new on the internet, it is because of we can find anything we want on the internet. Internet also modify lifestyle someone, They better left their wallet at home than left their Handphone or their laptop. Those show us how important the technology is. In military we have known there was a statement say that who has ability to create advance technology will win the war....I think it was true undoubtly, because with technology they can modify and create new weapon & smart weapon in order to defeat their enemy. We could see at Iraq war, it didn't take long time US armed forces to defeat an Iraq armed forces. the conclusion is technology is very important to us and extremly influence our whole live.

Friday, September 5, 2008

Solid Class ""

I was very surprised our class is funny....we make many jokes in the class every day. The most interested man to be pointed as a victim is jhonny. Actually we couldn't do this, but if we didn't do it our class wouldn't be interesting....nevermind jhony, it's just a joke..the important thing is finally you'll get rani's heart...he..he..he...and amboon...keep makes our class laughing yaa....don't forget to put the pictures that you took at international night event, okay....? for cita cuit....don't be angry with us ok? the jokes only aim to make our class live.....don't take it into your deep heart.. and just wait for your husband the way, when will he come? may be . hi..hi...hi... for rani, don't be confuse to choose one of the men approach to you...if you still confuse, you can accept all of them. it's nice , right ? or if those men not involved in your criteria, you may ask your rakhmat, mr poltak, can ask to me b'cause we had more experiences about this before. For poltak, don't be weak .keep your spirit as a "commando's man" do more exercise like running and jumping....he..he..can you do this now ? ok guys i Can't give comments to other members of our class...because it can make our blog full. I invite everyone to give comments to my topic....ok see u in our class next monday...good day friends...!!