How do you think of this picture ? Is she beautiful ? I want to ask you about this because everyone must have different opinion about beautiful. Sometime people say that beautiful is not only phsically good looking, white skin, soft talking, wise and etc but also inner beauty. Until now I don't really sure about inner beauty, I think it depend on from which side we look.....I believe that human being, man or women has been created by God with their strongth and weakness. " No body is perfect" people often say. we must relize about this statement. So from you who looking forward to find a couple or spouse has to consider with this fact. Don't only find the beautiful one, but also find some one who match with your common habit, your hobbies, your religion and etc. Back to our topic about beautiful....I want all of you give some comments about this, may be our discuss will helpfull for someone ok? I'll wait for all of your comments...thanks.
oh god..why did you put my ex girl friend on your blog? but i realize that she is a beautiful girl, but this is my way to choose anhoter the most beautiful girl in the world....she is my wife...hehehe
How Bro... wah gak tau klo ada ente disini gmn kbre apek2 saja to... bagus jg gmbrnya....Met ujian yo. Send my regard for lifting
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