Technology is the way to life more comfortable and easier. Started from 18th Century, Human being have been invented something to make their quality of life increase significantly. They never bored to modify their invention...why ...? it because of invention especially in technology have a great deal of benefit and could make someone become rich and wealth. Nowdays the telecomunication and communication have been become the greatest invention of the twentieth century. Every month we can see many types of Handphones and Laptops launched by their vendor even they only modify a little bit different from the older type. They add only a little equipment at the new model. For example, the old one only has camera 3 megapixel, and on the newest model they put 5 megapixel camera. By launched an interesting advertisment, they could influence many peoples to buy their products. As a human being who never satisfy with something, it's verry common to be influenced by an advetisment, especially women. If we follow this situation, we already come into a condition that called Technocrazy at which we cannot life without any modification of our belonging. The advanced of internet technology also expand our knowledge and we always curious to find something new on the internet, it is because of we can find anything we want on the internet. Internet also modify lifestyle someone, They better left their wallet at home than left their Handphone or their laptop. Those show us how important the technology is. In military we have known there was a statement say that who has ability to create advance technology will win the war....I think it was true undoubtly, because with technology they can modify and create new weapon & smart weapon in order to defeat their enemy. We could see at Iraq war, it didn't take long time US armed forces to defeat an Iraq armed forces. the conclusion is technology is very important to us and extremly influence our whole live.
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